Life Lessons From My 7-Year-Old Self

The principles that we pull from our childhood can help us be better people today.

Lecy Beth
4 min readFeb 12, 2021
Photo by Kelley Bozarth on Unsplash

I distinctly remember the year that I turned seven years old.

I remember my second-grade teacher and the bright red lipstick that stained her coffee cup every morning. I remember the smell of mothballs in my family’s finished basement where I watched The Neverending Story every weekend with my best friend. I even remember the searing pain of the blisters I’d get on my palms from swinging one-too-many times on the monkey bars at the playground behind my house.

I remember life being simple and seemingly perfect, back before it became complicated with jobs and relationships and mundane tasks like washing my own laundry. I was privileged in that I didn’t have to care or worry about much in those early years. I know many people didn’t have a childhood like mine.

While reminiscing about that time long ago, I realized how many important life lessons I was learning at the tender age of seven. Even though they weren’t ideals that I intentionally practiced then, they are, today, the foundation of what I think it means to take care of myself and be a better person.

Here are some lessons that I learned at seven years old that I carry with me as an adult.



Lecy Beth
Lecy Beth

Written by Lecy Beth

Neurodivergent Writer & Editor | Mental Health & Disability Advocate

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